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Error File Format Not Supported. Failed to Upload File

My Windows 10 is not letting me play videos, and whenever I endeavor to play a video, a notification pops up stating: "Cannot playback the file. The format is not supported (Error=80040265)."

These days, numerous video formats are available for user convenience. Several file formats are supported past various software, while others are not. If yous are facing an error that reads every bit video format not supported, it can show to be a severe crusade of annoyance.

Well, here nosotros are at your disposal. Before y'all are the ultimate guide to knowing what causes the issue to arise in the first place and what can be done in club to get rid of information technology once and for all, without farther ado, permit'south go started!

Part one: What Causes the "Unsupported Video Format" Fault?

Certain instances occur when your Windows displays a notification that says your video file cannot exist played. The fault can show a existent nuisance at times. It is essential to larn the reasons behind the issue before learning to eliminate it.

The video format, not supported problem can arise due to multiple reasons. Every bit the name suggests, the consequence primarily stems from the file format not supported by the respective media player. A few other potential causes are listed below.

  • Missing Codecs

The master reason that makes a video format unsupported is a lack of proper codecs. Codecs are parts of files that contain adequate data to encode or decode data. In other words, codecs are the main driving forcefulness behind a file. If your file is missing proper codecs, it will not be played on your device. Besides, hither is an article of prepare missing codec 0xc00d5212 mistake when playing AVI files.

  • Damaged or Corrupt Files

If you cannot play the video on your Windows, the file itself may be facing problems. If the video format is damaged or corrupt, it will not be played. Even when the file is not completely downloaded or transferred or is susceptible to virus and malware, Windows is unable to play your file.

  • Incompatible File Format

Another reason for the video format not supported issue to arise is that the file format you lot are trying to play is non compatible with the respective media player. In such cases, the media file likely uses a codec that the media player does not support. Hence, the file does non play. Images may likewise run across this kind of problem, here nosotros provide workable tips to fix them.

Part two: Solutions to Fix "Unsupported Video Format" Error

Now you know what the reasons behind the video format non supported event are. At present, it is important to learn how to dispose of this problem once and for all. Beneath are four effective solutions that you can endeavour to play your video file on your Windows.

Solution 1: Install Proper Codecs

Equally stated earlier, the problem of video format non supported primarily arises due to a lack of the required codecs. And so, downloading them can finer resolve your problem. Different media players have their own ways of installing codecs.

In gild to install codecs in Windows Media Player, follow the steps given beneath:

1. Launch Windows Media Player.

2. From the tabs available at the top left of the screen, cull "Tools."

3. In the Tools tab, select "Options."

tap on options

4. From there, click on the "Players" tab.

5. A box will read every bit "Download codecs automatically." Click on that to check the box and press "OK."

enable automatic update option

6. Now, the adjacent time y'all will try to play the video file, a notification volition pop upward asking you to install the required codecs. Click on "Install," and you are all done.

start installing the updates

If you are using a VLC media role player, the steps to install codecs on it are as follows:

one. Launch the VLC media role player.

2. Navigate to the "Help" tab.

3. From the driblet-down menu, click on "Check for Updates."

check for vlc updates

iv. A dialogue box will appear informing you of the update available. Click on "OK."

Solution 2: Try a Dissimilar Media Histrion

Sometimes, a video format, in particular, is not supported by a specific media player. And then the simple solution is to alter one of them, either the format or the media player. In order to get rid of the incompatibility upshot, several media players are available on Windows. You can choose anyone to play your video file effectively.

To modify the media thespian, proceed as mentioned below.

1. Right-click on your video file.

ii. From the drop-down menu, select "Open with."

three. A series of programs will be available which can be used to play the file. Choose whatsoever suitable option.

open with any other player

Solution 3: Change the File Format

If your media role player is non uniform with your file format and does non wish to change the media role player, another possible solution is to change the file format. Converting the file format into one that is more uniform and supported by the media thespian should finer play your file.

You tin can modify the file format by using diverse file convertor tools available online and using numerous desktop programs. VLC and Wondershare Uniconverter can also do the task for yous.

Solution 4: Effort Wondershare Repairit Video Repair Software

If none of those mentioned above methods piece of work and the video format not supported mistake continues to prevail, information technology is likely that your file is damaged or corrupt. In such cases, in that location is not much you can exercise except repair the file. Diverse information repair software is available in the market these days.

Wondershare Repairit is software that allows its users to repair corrupted, damaged or otherwise broken video files. The program supports several file formats and repairs near all possible damage and corruption scenarios.

To repair your video file using Wondershare Repairit, launch the program on your device and follow these simple steps.

Pace ane: Insertion of Corrupted Video

The beginning pace is to add the video to the plan. You can do so by clicking on the "Add" button present in the middle of the screen.

add corrupted video

Step ii: Showtime the Repair Process

One time a video is uploaded, click on the "Repair" button to allow the program practise its magic.

start repairing the video

Step 3: Preview of Repaired Video

Once the program has finished repairing, information technology will let you view the video. Yous can see and check if the video file is recovered co-ordinate to your expectations.

preview your repaired video

Step 4: Advanced Recovery (Optional)

In cases where additional maintenance is required, select the "Advanced Recovery" choice. You volition be asked to insert a sample file created on the same device and in the aforementioned format every bit the file to be repaired.

add sample video for advanced repair

Step five: Relieve the File

The final step is to click on the "Save" button and cull a suitable location for your file.

export your video


Facing setbacks when you were really looking frontwards to something tin prove to be an absolute bummer. But you tin can get alee of the problem if you have sufficient knowledge related to it. Here, we tried our best to provide you with only that.

At present you know what to exercise when you face the issue of video format not supported on Windows. Simple tasks such as changing the media histrion or the file format can easily help y'all get rid of the issue finer.

But in cases where the file itself is damaged, these methods won't practice much proficient. In such cases, you volition demand to repair the file using specific 3rd-party tools, preferably the Wondershare Repairit, in order to play your video.

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